Friday 11 December 2009

Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning


Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of a food material or a drink which contains the pathogenic micro organism or their toxins or poisonous chemicals.Food poisoning is common in hostels,hotels,communal feedings, and festivel seasons.

A group of persons will be affected with same type of symptoms ,and they give a history of consumption of a common food before few hours.

Types of food poisoning

1) Bacterial food poisoning:

Here the micro organisms called bacteria are responsible.The food material may contain the pathogenic bacteriae or their toxin and will be ingested along with the food.

2) Non bacterial food poisoning:

Due to the presence of toxic chemicals like fertilizers,insectisides,heavy metals and ect.

Since bacterial food poisoning is common it is discussed here.

Bacterial food poisoning:

All bacteria are not harmful.There are some pathogenic bacteria which secrete toxins and cause clinical manifestations.These organisms enter the human body through food articles or drinks.

How food poisoning occures:

1) Presence of bacteria in the water.

2) The raw materials for the food may contain toxins.

3) Premises where the food is prepared may contain micro organisms or toxins.

4) Food handlers may have some infectious diseases.

5) Some animals like dogs,rats may contaminate the food.

6) If prepared food is kept in the room temperature for a long time and heated again can make a chance for food poisoning.

7) Purposely some body mixing toxins in the food.

Some common bacterial food poisonings.

1) Salmonella food poisoning:

There are three different varieties of salmonella bacteria.(salmonella typhimurium,salmonella cholera suis,salmonella enteritidis) These bacteria are present in milk, milk products and eggs.  Symptoms of this food poisoning include nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.  Fever is also common.

2) Botulism:

This is the dangerous type of food poisoning caused by clostridium botulinum.   The spores of these organisms are seen in the soil and enters the human body through pickles and canned fish ect.Compared to other food poisonings here vomiting and diarrhoea are rare Mainly the nervous system is affected.The symptoms starts with double vision,numbness with weakness.Later there will be paralysis with cardiac and respiratory failure ending in death.

3) Staphylococcal food poisoning:

It is caused by staphylo coccus aureus. These organisms usually cause skin troubles like boils and eruptions.It causes mastitis in cow.Through the milk and milk products it enders and causes gastroenteritis.There will be vomiting,abdominal cramps with diarrhoea.

4) Closteridium food poisoning:

This is caused by closteridium perfringens.They are present in stool,soil and water. They enter the body through,meat,meat dishes and egg ect.If food articles are cooked and kept in room temperature for a long time and heated again before eating can result this food poisoning.Symptoms include vomiting ,diarrhoea and abdominal cramps.

5) Bacillus cereus:

The spores of these organisms can survive cooking and causes enteritis.  Diarrhoea and vomiting is common in this infection.

How to investigate food poisoning?

1) Examine each and every person affected.

2) Water sample should be tested.

3) Kitchen, store room and food samples should be examined.

4) The cook and food handlers should be questioned and examined.

5) Samples of vomitus and stool of all victims should be tested to identify the bacteria.

How to prevent food poisoning:-

1) Only purified water should be used.

2) Hygiene should be maintained by all persons keeping contact with food.

3) Workers should use masks, cap and gloves during cooking and serving.

4) Sick individuals should not come in contact with food materials.

5) Kitchen and premises should be neat and clean.

5) Vessels should be washed with soap and hot water.

6) Should not keep the prepared food for a long time in room temperature.

7) All food materials should be kept in closed containers.

8) Animals like dog, cat, rat ect should not come in contact with food materials.

9) Vegetables should be washed before cooking.

10) Meat should be fresh and should be purchased from recognised slaughter house.
READ MORE - Food Poisoning

Thursday 10 December 2009

How Alcohol Causes Mental and Moral Changes.

How Alcohol Causes Mental and Moral Changes.

The transforming power or alcohol is marvelous, and often appalling. It seems to open a way of entrance into the soul for all classes of foolish, insane or malignant spirits, who, so long as it remains in contact with the brain, are able to hold possession. Men of the kindest nature when sober, act often like fiends when drunk. Crimes and outrages are committed, which shock and shame the perpetrators when the excitement of inebriation has passed away. Referring to this subject, Dr. Henry Munroe says:

"It appears from the experience of Mr. Fletcher, who has paid much attention to the cases of drunkards, from the remarks of Mr. Dunn, in his 'Medical Psychology,' and from observations of my own, that there is some analogy between our physical and psychical natures; for, as the physical part of us, when its power is at a low ebb, becomes susceptible of morbid influences which, in full vigor, would pass over it without effect, so when the psychical (synonymous with the  moral ) part of the brain has its healthy function disturbed and deranged by the introduction of a morbid poison like alcohol, the individual so circumstanced sinks in depravity, and "becomes the helpless subject of the forces of evil, "which are powerless against a nature free from the morbid influences of alcohol."

Different persons are affected in different ways by the same poison. Indulgence in alcoholic drinks may act upon one or more of the cerebral organs; and, as its necessary consequence, the manifestations of functional disturbance will follow in such of the mental powers as these organs subserve. If the indulgence be continued, then, either from deranged nutrition or organic lesion, manifestations formerly developed only during a fit of intoxication may become  permanent , and terminate in insanity or dypso-mania. M. Flourens first pointed out the fact that certain morbific agents, when introduced into the current of the circulation, tend to act  primarily  and  specially  on one nervous centre in preference to that of another, by virtue of some special elective affinity between such morbific agents and certain ganglia. Thus, in the tottering gait of the tipsy man, we see the influence of alcohol upon the functions of the  cerebellum  in the impairment of its power of co-ordinating the muscles.

Certain writers on diseases of the mind make especial allusion to that form of insanity termed 'dypsomania', in which a person has an unquenchable thirst for alcoholic drinks a tendency as decidedly maniacal as that of  homicidal mania ; or the uncontrollable desire to burn, termed  pyromania ; or to steal, called  kleptomania.

Homicidal mania.

The different tendencies of homicidal mania in different individuals are often only nursed into action when the current of the blood has been poisoned with alcohol. I had a case of a person who, whenever his brain was so excited, told me that he experienced a most uncontrollable desire to kill or injure some one; so much so, that he could at times hardly restrain himself from the action, and was obliged to refrain from all stimulants, lest, in an unlucky moment, he might commit himself. Townley, who murdered the young lady of his affections, for which he was sentenced to be imprisoned in a lunatic asylum for life,  poisoned his brain with brandy  and soda-water before he committed the rash act. The brandy stimulated into action certain portions of the brain, which acquired such a power as to subjugate his will, and hurry him to the performance of a frightful deed, opposed alike to his better judgment and his ordinary desires.

As to pyromania , some years ago I knew a laboring man in a country village, who, whenever he had had a few glasses of ale at the public-house, would chuckle with delight at the thought of firing certain gentlemen's stacks. Yet, when his brain was free from the poison, a quieter, better-disposed man could not be. Unfortunately, he became addicted to habits of intoxication; and, one night, under alcoholic excitement, fired some stacks belonging to his employers, for which, he was sentenced for fifteen years to a penal settlement, where his brain would never again be alcoholically excited.


Next, I will give an example of  kleptomania . I knew, many years ago, a very clever, industrious and talented young man, who told me that whenever he had been drinking, he could hardly withstand, the temptation of stealing anything that came in his way; but that these feelings never troubled him at other times. One afternoon, after he had been indulging with his fellow-workmen in drink, his will, unfortunately, was overpowered, and he took from the mansion where he was working some articles of worth, for which he was accused, and afterwards sentenced to a term of imprisonment. When set at liberty he had the good fortune to be placed among some kind-hearted persons, vulgarly called teetotallers ; and, from conscientious motives, signed the PLEDGE, now above twenty years ago. From that time to the present moment he has never experienced the overmastering desire which so often beset him in his drinking days to take that which was not his own. Moreover, no pretext on earth could now entice him to taste of any liquor containing alcohol, feeling that, under its influence, he might again fall its victim. He holds an influential position in the town where he resides.

I have known some ladies of good position in society, who, after a dinner or supper-party, and after having taken sundry glasses of wine, could not withstand the temptation of taking home any little article not their own, when the opportunity offered; and who, in their sober moments, have returned them, as if taken by mistake. We have many instances recorded in our police reports of gentlemen of position, under the influence of drink, committing thefts of the most paltry articles, afterwards returned to the owners by their friends, which can only be accounted for, psychologically, by the fact that the  will  had been for the time completely overpowered by the subtle influence of alcohol.

Loss of mental clearness.

Alcohol, whether taken in large or small doses, immediately disturbs the natural functions of the mind and body, is now conceded by the most eminent physiologists. Dr. Brinton says: 'Mental acuteness, accuracy of conception, and delicacy of the senses, are all so far opposed by the action of alcohol, as that the maximum efforts of each are  incompatible  with the ingestion of any moderate quantity of fermented liquid. Indeed, there is scarcely any calling which demands skillful and exact effort of mind and body, or which requires the balanced exercise of many faculties, that does not illustrate this rule. The mathematician, the gambler, the metaphysician, the billiard-player, the author, the artist, the physician, would, if they could analyze their experience aright, generally concur in the statement, that  a single glass will often suffice to take , so to speak,  the edge off both mind and body , and to reduce their capacity to something below what is relatively their perfection of work.

A train was driven carelessly into one of the principal London stations, running into another train, killing, by the collision, six or seven persons, and injuring many others. From the evidence at the inquest, it appeared that the guard was reckoned sober, only he had had two glasses of ale with a friend at a previous station. Now, reasoning psychologically, these two glasses of ale had probably been instrumental in  taking off the edge  from his perceptions and prudence, and producing a carelessness or boldness of action which would not have occurred under the cooling, temperate influence of a beverage free from alcohol. Many persons have admitted to me that they were not the same after taking even one glass of ale or wine that they were before, and could not  thoroughly  trust themselves after they had taken this single glass.

Impairment of memory.

An impairment of the memory is among the early symptoms of alcoholic derangement.

"This," says Dr. Richardson, "extends even to forgetfulness of the commonest things; to names of familiar persons, to dates, to duties of daily life. Strangely, too," he adds, "this failure, like that which indicates, in the aged, the era of second childishness and mere oblivion, does not extend to the things of the past, but is confined to events that are passing. On old memories the mind retains its power; on new ones it requires constant prompting and sustainment."

In this failure of memory nature gives a solemn warning that imminent peril is at hand. Well for the habitual drinker if he heed the warning. Should he not do so, symptoms of a more serious character will, in time, develop themselves, as the brain becomes more and more diseased, ending, it may be, in permanent insanity.

Mental and moral diseases.

Of the mental and moral diseases which too often follow the regular drinking of alcohol, we have painful records in asylum reports, in medical testimony and in our daily observation and experience. These are so full and varied, and thrust so constantly on our attention, that the wonder is that men are not afraid to run the terrible risks involved even in what is called the moderate use of alcoholic beverages.

In 1872, a select committee of the House of Commons, appointed "to consider the best plan for the control and management of habitual drunkards," called upon some of the most eminent medical men in Great Britain to give their testimony in answer to a large number of questions, embracing every topic within the range of inquiry, from the pathology of inebriation to the practical usefulness of prohibitory laws. In this testimony much was said about the effect of alcoholic stimulation on the mental condition and moral character. One physician, Dr. James Crichton Brown, who, in ten years' experience as superintendent of lunatic asylums, has paid special attention to the relations of habitual drunkenness to insanity, having carefully examined five hundred cases, testified that alcohol, taken in excess, produced different forms of mental disease, of which he mentioned four classes: 1.  Mania a potu , or alcoholic mania. 2. The monomania of suspicion. 3. Chronic alcoholism, characterized by failure of the memory and power of judgment, with partial paralysis generally ending fatally. 4. Dypsomania, or an  irresistible  craving for alcoholic stimulants, occuring very frequently, paroxysmally, and with constant liability to periodical exacerbations, when the craving becomes altogether uncontrollable. Of this latter form of disease, he says: "This is invariably associated with a certain  impairment of the intellect, and of the affections and the moral powers ."

Dr. Alexander Peddie, a physician of over thirty-seven years' practice in Edinburgh, gave, in his evidence, many remarkable instances of the moral perversions that followed continued drinking.

Relation between insanity and drunkenness.

Dr. John Nugent said that his experience of twenty-six years among lunatics, led him to believe that there is a very close relation between the results of the abuse of alcohol and insanity. The population of Ireland had decreased, he said, two millions in twenty-five years, but there was the same amount of insanity now that there was before. He attributed this, in a great measure, to indulgence in drink.

Dr. Arthur Mitchell, Commissioner of Lunacy for Scotland, testified that the excessive use of alcohol caused a large amount of the lunacy, crime and pauperism of that country. In some men, he said, habitual drinking leads to other diseases than insanity, because the effect is always in the direction of the proclivity, but it is certain that there are many in whom there is a clear proclivity to insanity,  who would escape that dreadful consummation but for drinking; excessive drinking in many persons determining the insanity to which they are, at any rate, predisposed . The children of drunkards, he further said, are in a larger proportion idiotic than other children, and in a larger proportion become themselves drunkards; they are also in a larger proportion liable to the ordinary forms of acquired insanity.

Dr. Winslow Forbes believed that in the habitual drunkard the whole nervous structure, and the brain especially, became poisoned by alcohol. All the mental symptoms which you see accompanying ordinary intoxication, he remarks, result from the poisonous effects of alcohol on the brain. It is the brain which is mainly effected. In temporary drunkenness, the brain becomes in an abnormal state of alimentation, and if this habit is persisted in for years, the nervous tissue itself becomes permeated with alcohol, and organic changes take place in the nervous tissues of the brain, producing  that frightful and dreadful chronic insanity which we see in lunatic asylums, traceable entirely to habits of intoxication . A large percentage of frightful mental and brain disturbances can, he declared, be traced to the drunkenness of parents.

Dr. D.G. Dodge, late of the New York State Inebriate Asylum, who, with. Dr. Joseph Parrish, gave testimony before the committee of the House of Commons, said, in one of his answers: "With the excessive use of alcohol, functional disorder will invariably appear, and no organ will be more seriously affected, and possibly impaired, than the brain.  This is shown in the inebriate by a weakened intellect, a general debility of the mental faculties , a partial or total loss of self-respect, and a departure of the power of self-command; all of which, acting together, place the victim at the mercy of a depraved and morbid appetite, and make him utterly powerless, by his own unaided efforts, to secure his recovery from the disease which is destroying him." And he adds: "I am of opinion that there is a "great similarity between inebriety and insanity.

"I am decidedly of opinion that the former has taken its place in the family of diseases as prominently as its twin-brother insanity; and, in my opinion, the day is not far distant when the pathology of the former will be as fully understood and as successfully treated as the latter, and even more successfully, since it is more within the reach and bounds of human control, which, wisely exercised and scientifically administered, may prevent curable inebriation from verging into possible incurable insanity."

General impairment of the faculties.

Dr. Richardson, speaking of the action of alcohol on the mind, gives the following sad picture of its ravages:

"An analysis of the condition of the mind induced and maintained by the free daily use of alcohol as a drink, reveals a singular order of facts. The manifestation fails altogether to reveal the exaltation of any reasoning power in a useful or satisfactory direction. I have never met with an instance in which such a claim for alcohol has been made. On the contrary, confirmed alcoholics constantly say that for this or that work, requiring thought and attention, it is necessary to forego some of the usual potations in order to have a cool head for hard work.

"On the other side, the experience is overwhelmingly in favor of the observation that the use of "alcohol sells the reasoning powers, "make weak men and women the easy prey of the wicked and strong, and leads men and women who should know better into every grade of misery and vice. If, then, alcohol enfeebles the reason, what part of the mental constitution does it exalt and excite? It excites and exalts those animal, organic, emotional centres of mind which, in the dual nature of man, so often cross and oppose that pure and abstract reasoning nature which lifts man above the lower animals, and rightly exercised, little lower than the angels.

It excites man's worst passions.

Exciting these animal centres, it lets loose all the passions, and gives them more or less of unlicensed dominion over the man. It excites anger, and when it does not lead to this extreme, it keeps the mind fretful, irritable, dissatisfied and captious.... And if I were to take you through all the passions, love, hate, lust, envy, avarice and pride, I should but show you that alcohol ministers to them all; that, paralyzing the reason, it takes from off these passions that fine adjustment of reason, which places man above the lower animals. From the beginning to the end of its influence it subdues reason and sets the passions free. The analogies, physical and mental, are perfect. That which loosens the tension of the vessels which feed the body with due order and precision, and, thereby, lets loose the heart to violent excess and unbridled motion, loosens, also, the reason and lets loose the passion. In both instances, heart and head are, for a time, out of harmony; their balance broken. The man descends closer and closer to the lower animals. From the angels he glides farther and farther away.

A sad and terrible picture.

The  destructive  effects of alcohol on the human mind present, finally, the saddest picture of its influence. The most aesthetic artist can find no angel here. All is animal, and animal of the worst type. Memory irretrievably lost, words and very elements of speech forgotten or words displaced to have no meaning in them. Rage and anger persistent and mischievous, or remittent and impotent. Fear at every corner of life, distrust on every side, grief merged into blank despair, hopelessness into permanent melancholy. Surely no Pandemonium that ever poet dreamt of could equal that which would exist if all the drunkards of the world were driven into one mortal sphere.

As I have moved among those who are physically stricken with alcohol, and have detected under the various disguises of name the fatal diseases, the pains and penalties it imposes on the body, the picture has been sufficiently cruel. But even that picture pales, as I conjure up, without any stretch of imagination, the devastations which the same agent inflicts on the mind. Forty per cent., the learned Superintendent of Colney Hatch, Dr. Sheppard, tells us, of those who were brought into that asylum in 1876, were so brought because of the direct or indirect effects of alcohol. If the facts of all the asylums were collected with equal care, the same tale would, I fear, be told. What need we further to show the destructive action on the human mind? The Pandemonium of drunkards; the grand transformation scene of that pantomime of drink which commences with, moderation! Let it never more be forgotten by those who love their fellow-men until, through their efforts, it is closed forever."
READ MORE - How Alcohol Causes Mental and Moral Changes.

Effect of Alcohol On The Blood.

Effect of Alcohol On The Blood. 

Dr. Richardson, in his lectures on alcohol, given both in England and America, speaking of the action of this substance on the blood after passing from the stomach, says:

"Suppose, then, a certain measure of alcohol be taken into the stomach, it will be absorbed there, but, previous to absorption, it will have to undergo a proper degree of dilution with water, for there is this peculiarity respecting alcohol when it is separated by an animal membrane from a watery fluid like the blood, that it will not pass through the membrane until it has become charged, to a given point of dilution, with water. It is itself, in fact,  so greedy for water, it will pick it up from watery textures, and deprive them of it until, by its saturation, its power of reception is exhausted , after which it will diffuse into the current of circulating fluid."

It is this power of absorbing water from every texture with which alcoholic spirits comes in contact, that creates the burning thirst of those who freely indulge in its use. Its effect, when it reaches the circulation, is thus described by Dr. Richardson:

"As it passes through the circulation of the lungs it is exposed to the air, and some little of it, raised into vapor by the natural heat, is thrown off in expiration. If the quantity of it be large, this loss may be considerable, and the odor of the spirit may be detected in the expired breath. If the quantity be small, the loss will be comparatively little, as the spirit will be held in solution by the water in the blood. After it has passed through the lungs, and has been driven by the left heart over the arterial circuit, it passes into what is called the minute circulation, or the structural circulation of the organism. The arteries here extend into very small vessels, which are called arterioles, and from these infinitely small vessels spring the equally minute radicals or roots of the veins, which are ultimately to become the great rivers bearing the blood back to the heart. In its passage through this minute circulation the alcohol finds its way to every organ. To this brain, to these muscles, to these secreting or excreting organs, nay, even into this bony structure itself, it moves with the blood. In some of these parts which are not excreting, it remains for a time diffused, and in those parts where there is a large percentage of water, it remains longer than in other parts. From some organs which have an open tube for conveying fluids away, as the liver and kidneys, it is thrown out or eliminated, and in this way a portion of it is ultimately removed from the body. The rest passing round and round with the circulation, is probably decomposed and carried off in new forms of matter.

"When we know the course which the alcohol takes in its passage through the body, from the period of its absorption to that of its elimination, we are the better able to judge what physical changes it induces in the different organs and structures with which it comes in contact. It first reaches the blood; but, as a rule, the quantity of it that enters is insufficient to produce any material effect on that fluid. If, however, the dose taken be poisonous or semi-poisonous, then even the blood, rich as it is in water and it contains seven hundred and ninety parts in a thousand is affected. The alcohol is diffused through this water, and there it comes in contact with the other constituent parts, with the fibrine, that plastic substance which, when blood is drawn, clots and coagulates, and which is present in the proportion of from two to three parts in a thousand; with the albumen which exists in the proportion of seventy parts; with the salts which yield about ten parts; with the fatty matters; and lastly, with those minute, round bodies which float in myriads in the blood (which were discovered by the Dutch philosopher, Leuwenhock, as one of the first results of microscopical observation, about the middle of the seventeenth century), and which are called the blood globules or corpuscles. These last-named bodies are, in fact, cells; their discs, when natural, have a smooth outline, they are depressed in the centre, and they are red in color; the color of the blood being derived from them. We have discovered that there exist other corpuscles or cells in the blood in much smaller quantity, which are called white cells, and these different cells float in the blood-stream within the vessels. The red take the centre of the stream; the white lie externally near the sides of the vessels, moving less quickly. Our business is mainly with the red corpuscles. They perform the most important functions in the economy; they absorb, in great part, the oxygen which we inhale in breathing, and carry it to the extreme tissues of the body; they absorb, in great part, the carbonic acid gas which is produced in the combustion of the body in the extreme tissues, and bring that gas back to the lungs to be exchanged for oxygen there; in short, they are the vital instruments of the circulation.

"With all these parts of the blood, with the water, fibrine, albumen, salts, fatty matter and corpuscles, the alcohol comes in contact when it enters the blood, and, if it be in sufficient quantity, it produces disturbing action. I have watched this disturbance very carefully on the blood corpuscles; for, in some animals we can see these floating along during life, and we can also observe them from men who are under the effects of alcohol, by removing a speck of blood, and examining it with the microscope. The action of the alcohol, when it is observable, is varied. It may cause the corpuscles to run too closely together, and to adhere in rolls; it may modify their outline, making the clear-defined, smooth, outer edge irregular or crenate, or even starlike; it may change the round corpuscle into the oval form, or, in very extreme cases, it may produce what I may call a truncated form of corpuscles, in which the change is so great that if we did not trace it through all its stages, we should be puzzled to know whether the object looked at were indeed a blood-cell. All these changes are due to the action of the spirit upon the water contained in the corpuscles; upon the capacity of the spirit to extract water from them. During every stage of modification of corpuscles thus described, their function to absorb and fix gases is impaired, and when the aggregation of the cells, in masses, is great, other difficulties arise, for the cells, united together, pass less easily than they should through the minute vessels of the lungs and of the general circulation, and impede the current, by which local injury is produced.

"A further action upon the blood, instituted by alcohol in excess, is upon the fibrine or the plastic colloidal matter. On this the spirit may act in two different ways, according to the degree in which it affects the water that holds the fibrine in solution. It may fix the water with the fibrine, and thus destroy the power of coagulation; or it may extract the water so determinately as to produce coagulation."
READ MORE - Effect of Alcohol On The Blood.

How Alcohol Affects The Brain.

How Alcohol Affects The Brain.

I once had the unusual, though unhappy, opportunity of observing the same phenomenon in the brain structure of a man, who, in a paroxysm of alcoholic excitement, decapitated himself under the wheel of a railway carriage, and whose brain was instantaneously evolved from the skull by the crash. The brain itself, entire, was before me within three minutes after the death. It exhaled the odor of spirit most distinctly, and its membranes and minute structures were vascular in the extreme. It looked as if it had been recently injected with vermilion. The white matter of the cerebrum, studded with red points, could scarcely be distinguished, when it was incised, by its natural whiteness; and the pia-mater, or internal vascular membrane covering the brain, resembled a delicate web of coagulated red blood, so tensely were its fine vessels engorged.

I should add that this condition extended through both the larger and the smaller brain, the cerebrum and cerebellum, but was not so marked in the medulla or commencing portion of the spinal cord.

The spinal cord and nerves.

The action of alcohol continued beyond the first stage, the function of the spinal cord is influenced. Through this part of the nervous system we are accustomed, in health, to perform automatic acts of a mechanical kind, which proceed systematically even when we are thinking or speaking on other subjects. Thus a skilled workman will continue his mechanical work perfectly, while his mind is bent on some other subject; and thus we all perform various acts in a purely automatic way, without calling in the aid of the higher centres, except something more than ordinary occurs to demand their service, upon which we think before we perform. Under alcohol, as the spinal centres become influenced, these pure automatic acts cease to be correctly carried on. That the hand may reach any object, or the foot be correctly planted, the higher intellectual centre must be invoked to make the proceeding secure. There follows quickly upon this a deficient power of co-ordination of muscular movement. The nervous control of certain of the muscles is lost, and the nervous stimulus is more or less enfeebled. The muscles of the lower lip in the human subject usually fail first of all, then the muscles of the lower limbs, and it is worthy of remark that the extensor muscles give way earlier than the flexors. The muscles themselves, by this time, are also failing in power; they respond more feebly than is natural to the nervous stimulus; they, too, are coming under the depressing influence of the paralyzing agent, their structure is temporarily deranged, and their contractile power reduced.

This modification of the animal functions under alcohol, marks the second degree of its action. In young subjects, there is now, usually, vomiting with faintness, followed by gradual relief from the burden of the poison.

Effect on the brain centres.

The alcoholic spirit carried yet a further degree, the cerebral or brain centres become influenced; they are reduced in power, and the controlling influences of will and of judgment are lost. As these centres are unbalanced and thrown into chaos, the rational part of the nature of the man gives way before the emotional, passional or organic part. The reason is now off duty, or is fooling with duty, and all the mere animal instincts and sentiments are laid atrociously bare. The coward shows up more craven, the braggart more boastful, the cruel more merciless, the untruthful more false, the carnal more degraded. ' In vino veritas ' expresses, even, indeed, to physiological accuracy, the true condition. The reason, the emotions, the instincts, are all in a state of carnival, and in chaotic feebleness.

Finally, the action of the alcohol still extending, the superior brain centres are overpowered; the senses are beclouded, the voluntary muscular prostration is perfected, sensibility is lost, and the body lies a mere log, dead by all but one-fourth, on which alone its life hangs. The heart still remains true to its duty, and while it just lives it feeds the breathing power. And so the circulation and the respiration, in the otherwise inert mass, keeps the mass within the bare domain of life until the poison begins to pass away and the nervous centres to revive again. It is happy for the inebriate that, as a rule, the brain fails so long before the heart that he has neither the power nor the sense to continue his process of destruction up to the act of death of his circulation. Therefore he lives to die another day.
READ MORE - How Alcohol Affects The Brain.

Monday 23 November 2009

Concerns During Pregnancy

Concerns During Pregnancy

There is nothing more stressful than to have something go wrong during pregnancy. It doesn’t matter if it is your first time being pregnant or your fourth. There are many things to be concerned about during your pregnancy and it is easier when you know what they are.

Vaginal bleeding- This may also known as spotting, but make sure that is what is going on. There is a difference between actively bleeding and spotting. Spotting is lightly bleeding kind of like your period, the blood can be red, pink or even brown. If you are bleeding actively with any pain call your doctor, if you can’t get a hold of him go immediately to the emergency room. Bleeding can be a number of things from implantation, ectopic pregnancy, labor, infection or even miscarriage. Always let your doctor know, so everything can be ruled out, you’ll feel better too.

Stomach pain or cramping- During the pregnancy it may be hard to decipher the difference between a growing pain and an actual stomach pain/cramping. However, if you do get a pain of any sort rest. After a few minutes if it doesn’t subside, call your doctor and describe the pain to him. Don’t worry about it if you find out you only had gas or were having Braxton hicks contractions, at least you know everything is okay with pregnancy.

Gush of liquid- This could mean you are in labor and that your water broke, however if it isn’t close to the time of birth it can be something else. Call your doctor immediately and head for the emergency room.

Dehydration-  While you are pregnant it is easy to become dehydrated, especially if you have morning sickness or just don’t drink those 8 glasses of water. If you find yourself pale, dry mouth or dizzy, you could be dehydrated and should be seen by a doctor. Dehydration can cause premature labor and/or distress on the pregnancy.

Painful urination - Could be a urinary tract infection, also known as UTI. This can be easily treated with medication or by drinking lots of fluids and cranberry juice. A urinary tract infection isn’t something to be embarrassed about, it is very common amongst pregnant women. The growing belly pushes against your ureters and makes it harder for it to flow through. Which of course can cause infection. Another way to find out if you have it is if you have a foul odor when you pee.

Pregnancies can be scary enough, there’s no reason to add to it. If you are ever in doubt or have a concern talk with your doctor. It is common that first time moms are worried about many pains that they feel.  Never fear calling because you are afraid of waking the doctor up or because you feel silly. Being silly might just save the baby. While you are worrying, you are only causing stress on you and the baby, find out what’s wrong and relieve your anxiety. 
READ MORE - Concerns During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning sickness can be one of your first signs that you are pregnant.  This doesn’t always mean that you’ll get sick only in the morning. This can happen, morning, noon or night. It will normally occur in the first trimester or your pregnancy and end by the second, this isn’t the case in all pregnancies though. Some women will continue with it until the very end of term.

Nausea can happen immediately or you may get lucky and have no morning sickness at all. No one is for certain what causes morning sickness, it is a change in the body that happens during pregnancy. Many women seem to get sick after taking the prenatal pill, try taking it later in the day. Your doctor may even advise you to take some other form of vitamin instead of the pill. Always find out first with your doctor before taking anything new or taking yourself off medication, even prenatal pills.

There are a few ways to minimize the sickness, but they don’t work for everyone. Try keeping crackers on hand, I prefer saltines for some reason. Try drinking some ginger ale, it calms the stomach down.  Dry cereal is another good thing to eat, your stomach may just be a little bit hungry and trying to tell you. Remember to take small portions, this way you know if it is all going to come up or not. Sleeping is another good way to avoid it, however it will wake you up. Keep yourself hydrated, not only can this make your sickness come but you can become dehydrated and need to go to the emergency room if you aren’t careful.

Smells is another thing that seems to cause morning sickness. Imagine walking into a restaurant and the first thing you smell is grease. Yes, this can easily set it off. Bad smells and even certain tastes, get the feel for your body during the pregnancy and figure out just what sets it off. Knowing how to avoid it, can make a world of difference.

A few reasons you should go to your doctor would be if you begin losing weight because you are constantly sick. If you become dehydrated, faint, look pale, confused or throw up more than four times in a day. Your doctor may be able to prescribe something that will stop it.

Try slowing down a bit, sometimes your body is just exhausted from all the errands you are running and it tries to give you a break. Listen to your body, take a nap, relax and watch a television show…take some time off. If you are looking for remedies for your morning sickness, you may try buying some pregnancy pops. Or if you’d prefer to stay away from the sweets you can wear a bracelet designed to stop morning sickness, they are just like the motion sickness bracelets.  They don’t work for everyone but they could work for you.
READ MORE - Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Staying Fit During Your Pregnancy

Staying Fit During Your Pregnancy

Keeping fit during your pregnancy is great for you, not only will it help you keep your body toned but it also can help when it comes time to push that baby out. Every pregnant woman wants to be able to go back to her pre-pregnancy weight after the baby is born, but the only way to do that is to make sure you can. By excising or working out every day you are making sure you don’t add fat to your body.  During labor it’ll be much easier to push the baby if you’ve been strengthening your leg and stomach muscles. Who knows, it may even make labor a little bit shorter.  Isn’t that what we all want?

Plus when you are tired and just feeling a little blue, just by exercising you actually increase your energy.

Here are a few quick things you can do to stay fit during pregnancy, without really having to break out a sweat. I’m sure by now you’ve heard of yoga, this is a very good thing for you to practice, especially if you haven’t always been in the best of shape. Not to worry, there are beginning levels here, you don’t have to jump into the human pretzel right away. Try purchasing a set of small weights that you can use throughout the house, like hand weights or wrist weights that can use while walking. Instead of just laying on the couch while you rest you can be lifting small weights.

Get a chair and try doing a couple crunches, 5 to 10 in the beginning to make sure you don’t pull anything. Don’t worry you can always add to it as the weeks go on. 

Try running, walking or jogging outside. Not only will this boost up your energy but it’ll also help get your spirits up, especially if you’ve been inside all day. Remember, if you are going for a walk to always bring a drink with you. You don’t want to dehydrate out there. Always make sure that you are wearing comfortable shoes, before you leave the house. If you didn’t always run, ask your doctor if you can. Sometimes a doctor may suggest you walk around the block at first and increase it from there, if you didn’t always do it before you were pregnant.

If you can you may want to try going for a swim or try bicycling. However, if you find that you are accident prone you may want to stay away from the bike.  A bike accident is something that can easily happen, even when you’ve always road a bike. Swimming can help you relax and stay cool. Take a dip in the pool near you, they may even have a swim class for pregnant women in your area. This would be a great way to meet other moms

Whenever you are doing exercises, make sure you aren’t overdoing it. If you believe you could be stop immediately and take a break. You never want to do anything that’ll harm the pregnancy.
READ MORE - Staying Fit During Your Pregnancy

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Susan Lucci Microdermabrasion

Susan Lucci Microdermabrasion Traetment

Susan Lucci Microdermabrasion Youthful Essence ® is a process that helps reduce the visible signs of aging, showing a fresh & radiant skin provides optimum exfoliation to safely & effectively.

Susan Lucci Microdermabrasion Youthful Essence ® was developed by experts in skin care Dean & Amby Rhoades for use in their Beverly Hills salon. This created a process of personal cleansing of the skin to the Hollywood stars who come looking for customers & the impact of this special treatment

The process staff Susan Lucci Microdermabrasion Youthful Essence ® gives you everything you require to transform your skin & show their natural beauty. It was developed by a team of skin care in Beverly Hills. Before you return to expensive chemical or laser peeling, try Susan Lucci Microdermabrasion Youthful Essence ®, a safe & effective way to rejuvenate your skin. Use it alone or with your current skin care \. you won't believe the beauty that flows beneath the surface.

Susan Lucci Youthful Essence ® is a patented personal microdermabrasion gently exfoliates surface cells to show a dry skin fresh & radiant. Beginning with the first use, you will fade as the visible imperfections such as expression lines, age spots, pores, superficial scars, sun destroy & more. Youthful Essence ® leaves your skin renewed, restored & rejuvenated \. without the cost or inconvenience of a spa treatment.

The process of personnel Susan Lucci Microdermabrasion Youthful Essence ® combines advanced technology with cosmetic ingredients as luxurious spa. The miracle begins with his introduction of 60 days supply of vitamin-enriched cream. This special formula of finely ground mineral crystals as well as a cream rich in antioxidant nutrients nourish your skin while gently exfoliates surface cells gently dry.

READ MORE - Susan Lucci Microdermabrasion

Monday 9 November 2009

Acne Complex

Acne Complex

This three-part acne system was developed by Dr. Howard Murad, who is a leading researcher in skincare. The three parts of this product are the Clarifying Cleanser, the Exfoliating Treatment Gel, and the Skin Perfecting Lotion. This process needs to be done twice a day, morning, and evening. On Murad’s company web site, they make a claim that their success rate is 90% within 4 weeks. However, we didn’t find any results from their “clinical study” that backs up this claim.
Murad Acne Complex Ingredients
The main ingredient in the Murad cleanser is Salicylic Acid. This is one of the best acne-fighting ingredients available today. It wipes away the dead skin cells as well as other clogging substances that cause acne. It can help promote the re-growth of healthy skin cells. However, most research concludes that a concentration of at least 2% needs be used. Murad only uses 1.5% concentration.
The Exfoliating Treatment gel inside of the Murad Acne Complex contains more Salicylic acid in a lower concentration as well as Retinol and Glycolic Acid. The Retinol is designed to help reduce and control oil production in the skin. However, it is not usually proven as effective as Silicol Dioxide. Glycolic Acid can also cause some negative reactions to this exfoliant. However, the concentration of Glycolic acid is so low in this product that it would probably be ineffective.
The Perfecting Lotion includes more Retinol and a variety of botanicals, such as Queen of Meadow and Arnica. These ingredients are imeant to soothe the skin irritation caused by acne and improve the complexion. Queen of Meadow supposedly tightens the pores and minimizes oil production. However, as yet their is no scientific research evident to back this up.
How To Use It
Clarifying Cleanser: Massage small amount over dampened face and neck. Rinse with warm water and then pat dry.
Exfoliating Acne Treatment Gel: Cleanse the skin thoroughly before applying gel. Cover the entire affected area with a thin layer one to three times daily.
Acne Spot Treatment: Cleanse skin and apply a thin layer on affected areas 1 to 3 times daily or as needed.
Skin Perfecting Lotion: Every day after cleansing and toning, massage very evenly over face and neck. For optimal results, follow with Murad sunblock during the day.
READ MORE - Acne Complex

Saturday 7 November 2009

Cosmetic Surgery Los Angeles

Cosmetic Surgery Los Angeles

One of the best laser center destinations & plastic surgery facility in Southern Texas, SK Plastic Surgery, is known to be six of the leaders in the plastic surgery industry.

Directed & managed by a highly trained, board certified by the A.B.P. S. (American Board of Plastic Surgery), Dr. Steve S. Kim, SK Plastic Surgery is six of the best plastic surgery facilities in Southern Texas. Dr. Steve S. Kim is known among the Plastic Surgery Los Angeles industry as a surgeon with precise skill, has an eye for details & with a dash of artistry.

Dr. Steven Kim is considered as six of the few highly trained & gifted Los Angeles plastic surgeons that specialize several reconstructive & cosmetic surgical procedures such as trans-umbilical breast augmentation, facelifts, blepharoplasties, rhinoplasties, breast augmentations, breast lifts, abdominoplasties (popularly known as “tummy tucks”), liposuctions, post bariatric procedures & lots more. The said director of SK Plastic Surgery perfected his surgical skills at UCLA & is considered as six of the top plastic surgeon of the country. What made him six of the best Beverly Hills plastic surgeons is the way they balances technicality with artistry & his way of analyzing medical literature is the reason why the procedures they provides are safe & effective.

SK Plastic Surgery offers a wide range of services (surgical & nonsurgical) to help you attain a much more enhanced & rejuvenated you. This plastic surgery Beverly Hills facility makes the most of advance laser & light technology for various non-surgical cosmetic procedures (such as skin tightening, resurfacing & hair removal). Furthermore, SK Plastic Surgery also offer various dermal injections (Restylane, Juvederm, BOTOX® & chemical peels) if you require to have a refreshed look.

All of the surgical & non surgical procedures performed on SK Plastic Surgery use the latest & the most techniques & facilities. Alongside with board certified anesthesiologists, this Los Angeles plastic surgery facility aims to provide the safest & best result; taking patient satisfaction to another level.

READ MORE - Cosmetic Surgery Los Angeles

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery

Beverly hills is well known not merely due to the TV series but also Beverly hills  cosmetic surgery is famous all over the world. People from various countries and of course the celebrities in Hollywood flock here to get their cosmetic surgery done. As presently cosmetic surgery is not limited specifically for the celebrities  and since nearly everyone who can afford cosmetic surgery gets them done, the Beverly hills cosmetic surgery is definitely flourishing and future of the industry seems to show great potential.

Why do people want to go through cosmetic and plastic surgery? In the end, in some instances it is highly costly.However, people  undergo cosmetic and plastic surgery at a high expense in order to preserve their youthful looks, to correct defects in appearance and in certain cases to regain the appearance after an incident such as an accident which might leave scar marks.For the huge amount they spend it makes sense to get the services of the very best in the industry and this is exactly what Beverly hills  cosmetic surgery offers.
Getting onto the cost factor as mentioned before cosmetic surgery especially Beverly hills  cosmetic surgery is not going to be cheap. It’s very hard to give a specific price and the cost would depend on the extent of the surgery and where you choose to get it done. A place where a world famous surgeon on the subject is in charge of the surgery you could be charged a lot more than the normal amount. Then again this is not a situation where you can cut corners and dependability of those in charge is very essential.
Beverly hills  cosmetic surgery offers facilities which are very advanced for nearly any cosmetic and plastic surgery.Face lifts, breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, nose reshaping and brow lifts are some of the services provided. Since more and more men are now getting cosmetic and plastic surgery Beverly hills  cosmetic surgery has special facilities for men.

For everyone who wishes to keep their looks as they age cosmetic surgery could be a good idea. Remember that since Beverly hills  cosmetic surgery can be safely proclaimed to be in a class by itself, it could be a good idea to get your cosmetic surgery done there. Plenty of information on Beverly hills  cosmetic surgery is now available online so check it out if you are thinking of getting a facelift any time soon.

READ MORE - Beverly Hills Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery Staten Island

Plastic Surgery Staten Island

Do you think you look older than your age? Has your face wrinkled up? Are you too conscious about your looks? Do you want to look like a beautiful celebrity? You want get that skin of yours back again? Well good for you science and technology has advanced up to the stage of making you look beautiful as well. For all you people obsessed with looks and beauty science and technology has invented and found for you a new and scientific technique of enhancing your looks and beauty. This new birth of technology and science is known as plastic surgery and yes. Just as the name suggests it is an artificial method of enhancing the beauty you are not so proud of.
We all are beautiful in some or the other way. The beautiful nature has bestowed us with beauty in some or the other place. It is up to us how we respect it and how we judge it. The most important thing is perspective. And as they say beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.
Plastic surgery is a very common feature that has gained popularity in recent times among humans all around the globe. Plastic surgery Staten Island in New York, USA has one of the best centers. As it requires surgery it is obviously not one of the most comfortable procedures. Plastic surgery Staten Island that has the most amazing doctors promise you that your job will be done in full comfort and care keeping in mind of your needs and necessities. They have the best facilities and the doctors of the plastic surgery Staten Island will make sure that you leave with satisfactory results. As the process is very painful and requires cutting through your skin you will have to put up with it because you are not seemingly satisfied with your looks. As the famous quotation goes ‘there is no gain without any pain’. So yes there is no escaping the pain. If you want that perfect face and texture like your favorite star or just want to look attractive then this is the best option for you and the pain is inevitable. However plastic surgery in Staten Island is renowned and very popular. There are very many famous personalities and stars going to Staten Island for plastic surgery.
Sometimes plastic surgery is just not about the looks and the consciousness regarding it. There are many people who have suffered horrible accidents like severe and visible cuts around the eye or the cheek or burn marks or a kind of pigmentation. Sometimes these conditions are so severe that they cause distortion to the face and this distortion needs to be fixed. Plastic surgery in this case can be very useful for such people as no one wants any kind of scars on their body especially the face.
Plastic surgery Staten Island and everywhere else can be very expensive as well. If you are not too rich, indulge in it only it.

READ MORE - Plastic Surgery Staten Island

Proactive Acne Treatment

Proactive Acne Treatment

Having acne can be a miserable experience to have to endure. It can be physically & emotionally painful & embarrassing. It can cause feelings of isolation, low-self esteem, even depression. Acne affects everyone at some point in his or her life, whether it’s during puberty, pregnancy (or during some other hormonally-charged period in life), or during any time of adulthood. But there's ways to prevent & even control acne if you take a preemptive approach. The best way to counteract the effects of this skin problem is to carryover out a proactive acne treatment, which will help you to take care of your body as well as your skin.

Proactive is defined as acting in advance of an expected problem, or to be anticipatory. If you know that you are prone to acne, anticipating the problem & taking steps to defend yourself against it is the best way to go. There's several proactive acne treatment measures that a person can take in order to reduce the amount of breakouts, & to keep the breakouts that do occur from being bad. Three of the best ways to deal with acne is through exercise.

Another effective proactive acne treatment is through diet. Though it is commonly understood now that what you eat does not cause acne, it is also commonly known that definite vitamins & minerals help the body fight the war on acne. It is a nice idea to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet rich in vitamins & minerals such as vitamins A, B, C, & E. This won't only give you a healthy body, but will help to curb breakouts. In addition, drinking lots of water will help keep your skin looking fresh, & your color bright.

Exercise is not only a great way to regulate your weight & keep your body in nice physical condition, but it also helps to lower stress levels that can cause or aggravate acne. In addition, sweating is a way of cleaning out the body, ridding it of oils & bad bacteria. It is important, though, to wear lightweight, breathable fabrics when exercising. Perspiration that is trapped between fabric & the skin can let bacteria grow & clog the pores, which will lead to acne.

Stress has an immense effect on a person’s complexion. They wear our problems on our faces, in the form of dark circles, wrinkles, & yes, even acne. There's a variety of stressors that affect us in different ways. Stressors are things that cause anxiety to your body & your well-being, which can also cause or aggravate an acne problem. Definite external stressors involve things that negatively affect the outside of your body, & include such things as oil-ridden cosmetics, overexposure to the sun, & a poor diet.

Internal stressors include factors that cause anxiety, depression, or low self esteem. Not dealing with emotions or high stress levels can cause acne flare-ups or other outward indications of inward problems. As mentioned before, exercise is an ideal way to manage stress. Also, participating in activities that you enjoy can also reduce your stress levels. &, don’t forget to get an abundance of sleep if at all possible. Sleep provides your mind & body time to rest & rejuvenate.

Taking the proactive approach to acne treatment is by far the best way to avoid embarrassing or painful breakouts. & you will find in doing so, that you won't only have healthier looking skin, but that your body & general well-being will be healthier in the effort as well.

There's several acne treatments that you can perform that, if done on a regular basis, prove to be highly effective, proactive measures. For example, always try to use oil-free cosmetics that won’t clog your pores. Shaving the skin with a light touch & a sharp razor or even an electric shaver helps to exfoliate the skin & won’t be rough on skin that is broken out. It is best, though to avoid areas of the skin that are irritated or infected, & permit them time to heal. Also, make sure to gently wash your face three time daily with lightly exfoliating products. Do not ever scrub the skin, for this can lead to further irritation & more acne problems.

READ MORE - Proactive Acne Treatment

Sunday 1 November 2009

Cincinnati Plastic Surgeons

Cincinnati Plastic Surgeons

The Midwest is largely embracing the art of beauty enhancement as a result of the increasingly widespread popularity of body cosmetic surgery, such as breast augmentation and tummy tucks. Top Cincinnati plastic surgeons are sought after by Ohio residents and patients around the country. An extensive list of specializations and commitment to the natural look that respected Cincinnati plastic surgeons specialize in are heightening the prevalence of plastic surgery in the Cincinnati area.

With the complete care that starts the moment a patient walks in to a Cincinnati plastic surgery office for a consultation, and which extends beyond the surgery, patients are increasingly expecting the very best in body cosmetic procedures and specialties, such as, breast enlargement, tummy tucks or abdominoplasty, rhinoplasty, and other facial plastic surgery procedures. All areas of the art of plastic surgery are practiced with nationally renowned skill by the experienced Cincinnati plastic surgeons.

During an initial consultation, patients are guided through the desired procedures with a thorough explanation of what the procedures entail. Patients are shown pics and are presented with a wide variety of suggestions for the most suitable procedures. Established plastic surgery centers are designed to provide the utmost in patient care and comfort.

For more information from one of the most respected plastic surgery centers in Cincinnati, visit today. Dr. Mandell-Brown is a Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon recognized as a top plastic surgeon in the tri-state area and named the "Top Doc in Plastic Surgery" by Cincinnati Magazine.

READ MORE - Cincinnati Plastic Surgeons

Mesothelioma Treatments

Mesothelioma Treatments 

There are several methods of treatment for mesothelioma although none of these have a high success rate. In general, the chances of curing a mesothelioma patient depends on how much the cancer has developed and matured when treated. If tackled aggressively in its early stages, there is a good chance of survival. Due to the difficulty of diagnosing mesothelioma in its early stages, many mesothelioma treatments focus on improving the quality of life for patients.
Before a patient is treated upon, a doctor will decide what the best course of treatment is by considering the patient’s age, medical history, general well being and even weight. From here, the doctor will decide which of the three most common treatments are most suited to the patient’s condition. These treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Surgery comes in two different types. Aggressive surgery is treatment which aims to gain long term control against the cancer and palliative procedures which aims to just relieve the patient of symptoms.
Aggressive surgery involves removing the pleura, the lung, the diaphragm and the pericardium. This procedure is known as extra pleural pneumonectomy. The aim of this is to remove as much of the tumour as possible without harming the patient. However, this is a very risky type of surgery and the chances are high of patient fatality within a month. Due to this, only young, fit individuals are referred to this form of treatment. Palliative procedures involve removing just the pleura in order to control the symptoms of the cancer. This is performed when mesothelioma is in an advanced form and is impossible to cure.
This is the most commonly known cure of cancer. Chemotherapy uses drugs to treat mesothelioma although many of these drugs have a poor success rate on patients. Combinations of drugs are often used to improve their effect. Some of these combinations have proved to be effective. Chemotherapy of mesothelioma is being improved regularly as research labs and pharmaceutical companies are discovering new and more effective drugs.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy uses radiation to kill the tumour which mesothelioma creates. However, this procedure is extremely difficult because of where the tumour grows. Due to the closeness of the tumour and many vital internal organs such as the heart and lungs, doctors have to be very careful as to the doses of radiation they use. Lower radiation doses can be used however this lowers its effectiveness.
Dual Therapy
This is often used and is just a combination of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy combined. Surgery removes the majority of the tumour cells while chemotherapy and radiation therapy work on removing the remainder. This is an effective method and also lessens the symptoms of the cancer.

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Mesothelioma Attorney

Mesothelioma Attorney

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer usually occurring due to prolonged exposure to asbestos. Workers of companies, which indulge in processing of asbestos, are the ones who are mostly affected. The malaise typically affects the abdomen, chest or heart cavities. Plenty of countries have banned the use of asbestos. But the problem with mesothelioma is that the disease affects only long years after a person gets in to contact with asbestos. This makes the method of acquiring compensation from the employer a tricky business. That is why you require a mesothelioma attorney to represent your case.

Somebody who has contracted cancer at workplace has the right for compensation, as per the federal laws. But meticulous processing of the case is required to make your employer pay for what he did to you. In plenty of cases, results come only after prolonged court battles and that also, without any appreciable results.

A qualified and licensed mesothelioma attorney, who is legally appointed by you as your representative, should be experienced to bring you lovely results. He should have a sympathetic attitude towards his clients, as he is dealing with devastated persons and families. The attorney should be able to gain the trust and respect of clients.

Hundreds of attorneys exist, but always take the services of somebody who specialises in mesothelioma compensation. Have a sincere talk with the attorney and evaluate how far he's been successful in winning past cases. He also should have the infrastructure and staff to handle the legal procedures involved quickly.

READ MORE - Mesothelioma Attorney

Friday 30 October 2009

The Best Plastic Surgeons Are Drawn to La Jolla

The Best Plastic Surgeons Are Drawn to La Jolla

La Jolla has grown from a quiet beach town in to a combination of a college town, beach town & residential choice of the highly affluent. The city has its own version of Rodeo Drive; La Jolla is not the first choice in San Diego County for bargain shoppers. The University of Los angeles at San Diego is located in La Jolla & has grown in to six of the premier campuses in the UC process.

2. Scripps Medical Center also has a giant presence in La Jolla. The hospital & its staff surgeons offer aesthetic surgery procedures including breast augmentations & breast lifts; liposuctions; eye & other facial lifts; tucks; etc. Plastic surgeons who wish to affiliate with a hospital have the option of working through Scripps, which operates six acute care hospitals throughout the county as well as a quantity of clinics. It was founded in 1924 by Ellen Browning Scripps & is considered a prestigious institution.

1. UC San Diego's Medical School operates a giant Medical Center that not only serves La Jolla & surrounding communities, but also engages in research. The most recent development there is a series of techniques utilizing minimal invasive procedures that has come to be known as "scarless surgery." What that will mean for aesthetic plastic surgery procedures remains to be seen - but medical research in La Jolla is on the "cutting edge," so to speak.

4. Six of the important jobs that any cosmetic plastic surgeon has is acting as counselor to each potential patient. Everybody who seeks out an aesthetic surgical procedure wants to alter the way they look - & believe that the alter will make them happier. It is up to the surgeon to establish what the limits of a surgical procedure are. Patients seeking breast augmentations need to understand what impact the implants may have ten years hence.

3. We have all heard the real estate phrase "paying for the address." In the case of La Jolla's plastic surgeons, it pays to pay for the address. Patients seeking out quality health care are going to gravitate to physicians practicing in an affluent area. People in search of plastic surgery may well gravitate to La Jolla, knowing that cosmetic surgery specialists there's likely to be well trained, board certified plastic surgeons.

People who need facial injections need to understand that Botox is going to dissipate & the procedure repeated on an ongoing basis. Aesthetic plastic surgeons practicing in a high-end & established community such as La Jolla are not going to be the high-volume operators who provide whatever the patient wants without discussion.

READ MORE - The Best Plastic Surgeons Are Drawn to La Jolla

Michigan Center For Cosmetic Surgery

Michigan Center For Cosmetic Surgery

The California Center for Cosmetic Surgery specializes in facelifts. However, it is also widely known for performing breast reductions, abdominoplasty, chin and cheek Implants, eyelid lift, laser procedures, tattoo removal, N-lite acne treatments, liposuction, thermage, rhinoplasty and plenty of other cosmetic procedures. If it's anything to do with cosmetic surgery, then the California Center for Cosmetic Surgery can do it.

Looking Younger with a Facelift

Dr. Burke and his staff encourage interested persons to come in for a free cosmetic consultation. This clinic has full AAAHC accreditation and comprehensive cosmetic surgery and treatment options are available. Financing is also offered to make it less hard for those clients who would make payments on the cost of the surgery than five lump sum. The staff is friendly, personable and professional and the objective of the Center is to make your visit in their office as pleasant as possible. As a result, you will need to return plenty of times. They are known for the outstanding customer service they give to their clients.

The California Center for Cosmetic Surgery realizes that as a person ages, the skin of the face and neck begins to lose its elasticity and muscle tone. Not only aging, but pollutants in the air, sun exposure, gravity, stress, and weight gain or loss will cause the onset of wrinkles. These are the plenty of components that are at work in the aging method. By removing excess fatty deposits, tightening muscles and re-draping sagging skin, the surgeon improves the most visible sings of aging. While a facelift from the California Center for Cosmetic Surgery may not bring back your youthful vitality, it can certainly work to restore your self confidence. All it takes to restore self-confidence is to see a younger reflection looking back at you in the mirror.

Most of the surgeries at the california center for Cosmetic Surgery are an outpatient procedure under a local sedation, but there is also the option of a general anesthesia along with an overnight hospital stay. The facelifts range from the weekend lift to an extended lift. This depends on the area and amount of skin laxity. And it also depends on the patient's limitations for recovery time. The procedure includes incisions made at the hairline above the ear and extending down to the lobe and ending in or below the hairline behind the ear.

Subcutaneous layers and neck muscles are tightened, after which the facial skin is re-draped and lifted. Excess skin is basically removed. The patient leaves the surgery with their neck and head wrapped in dressings. These are usually removed the next day. Initial pain discomfort can be controlled with oral pain medication or nasal spray. The stitches can be removed within 14 days. The final result of the facelift is usually apparent within five to four weeks or sooner. Expect continued improvement over several months. The staff at The California Center for Cosmetic Surgery wants your stay with them to be comfortable and safe, and that any and all of your special requests are met.
READ MORE - Michigan Center For Cosmetic Surgery

Thursday 29 October 2009

Mesothelioma Litigation

Mesothelioma Litigation

Mesothelioma litigation is an option for mesothelioma patients. Litigation however is not an easy path to consider. Before you pick to sue, there's a couple of crucial facts that you should be aware of.

You have the right to sue.

In some cases, your condition may be caused by the negligence of others. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that results from exposure to asbestos fibers. Like any average individual, you probably would not consider exposing yourself to asbestos of your own free will. You may have been exposed to asbestos due to your work or due to a relatives member who works with asbestos.

Different states have different laws regarding mesothelioma cases.

So why should you sue if you find out you have mesothelioma? Companies that hire individuals to work on asbestos would typically know that there's sure dangers involved in handling the mineral. Company safety rules should therefore be strictly implemented to prevent asbestos exposure. If you create mesothelioma, it may be due to a company's inability to protect & warn people against the dangers of asbestos.

Mesothelioma litigation procedures are not always the same. Different states have different rules & laws covering mesothelioma cases. Three thing is common though, various localities have their own set specific time frames for litigation procedures. It is therefore important that you seek legal assistance as soon as you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. If you act late, you may not be able to get the monetary compensation that is rightfully yours.

Not every lawyer can handle a mesothelioma case.

Some lawyers do not handle mesothelioma litigations. Not every lawyer however is ready or equipped to do so. Every lawyer has his/her own line of specialty. There's therefore some lawyers who know better how to handle a mesothelioma case. A mesothelioma lawyer would know better the legal technicalities, laws & details involved in a mesothelioma case. Other than these, they would also have sufficient disease knowledge to help clients trace exposure details & decide the extent of physical, emotional & financial destroy.

Time is of the essence in a mesothelioma case. This does not mean though that you should be haphazard in your choice of a lawyer. Make sure that the expert that you pick has had some background & success in mesothelioma cases. A lovely lawyer can make the difference between prompt financial or emotional relief & absolute loss.

Like any form of lawsuit, mesothelioma cases can also be pricey. Plenty of legal entities however are aware that plenty of clients are not able to pay outright. The collection of fees is therefore postponed until damages are awarded. Be warned though that attorney's fees for mesothelioma cases can be steep. Lawyers can collect up to 40% of the total amount awarded. For plenty of patients though this is already considered a fair deal. After all, mesothelioma cases are not easy to handle & win.

Litigation can be expensive.

Mesothelioma litigation may not be easy. The compensation however, that you can hope to get after the procedure can be a great help to you & your relatives.
READ MORE - Mesothelioma Litigation

The Medifast Program

The Medifast Program

If you have dieted before, you know that sometimes sticking to a diet can be tough. So now that you are considering the Medifast diet, you might be thinking, "What's going to help me stick to Medifast?" Well, I have a few tips that should help you meet your goals - losing your excess weight.

1. Follow the Medifast Program exactly

Medifast has been around for over 20 years and the doctors and nutritionists who have formulated the diet know what works. So it is important that when you get your first Medifast order, that you read the booklet that comes with it and follow the plan as written. I am going to cover the most important parts of this plan in the next few tips.

Medifast is a low calorie diet plan, so it is important that you don't skip any of your meals - otherwise you may not be getting calories and nutrients each day. And when you eat your three Medifast meals each day, you'll have a much less hard time combating cravings for foods you should not be eating. In fact, you may find you have no cravings at all after a few days.

2. Eat all of your Medifast meals

3. Eat Your Lean & Green Meal

I have seen some folks select that if they can lose weight speedy eating three Medifast meals and the Lean & Green meal every day, they can lose weight faster eating two of the package meals and eliminating the Lean & Green Meal. But that is not such a great idea.

The lean & green meal is an important part of the plan. It provides a significant amount of your daily protein and fat, as well as fiber from the vegetables you'll be eating. This is important in making sure you stay regular. The most common complaint about Medifast that I have seen is constipation and the lean & green meal will help keep this at bay.

The lean & green meal also provides an important thing that helps most people keep committed to their diet: satiety. Satiety is that sense of fullness and contentment you get after eating. And it is an important part of making sure that they stick to our designs.

4. No over three Medifast bar per day

The Medifast bars are tasty. In fact, I think they may be a small bit tasty as I would happily eat several of them every day. But the folks at Medifast limit them to three per day. The reason they do so is that eating over three bar each day will increase the number of carbs you are getting daily. And reducing your carbs is important to keeping your appetite in check.

Also, my own experience with the Medifast bars is that they tend to set off my sweet tooth and make me crave other sweets. So by eating over three per day, they can make it harder to stick to your plan. In fact, some dieters find it best to not use the bars in their plan at all, preferring to stick to the shakes, oatmeal and other products. So if you find that using the Medifast bars increases your cravings for sweets, you can try cutting them out.

I think if you stick to these tips, you'll have a easy time losing weight with the Medifast program and you will reach your goals. remember that the best way to stick to Medifast is to follow the plan exactly. Sometimes it might seem a small boring, but the rewards feel great.

READ MORE - The Medifast Program